Saturday, December 13, 2008

Rear Advertising: The Other End Of The "Divide"

Warning: Please do not try to imitate this art form. You might get slapped or worse.

Disclaimer: These pictures do not in any way encourage voyeurism. They were only taken because the subjects in question were "willing". As a matter of fact, they “broadcasted” for several minutes.


1. Please do not take this seriously. I intended it for fun. Seriously...
2. The blog author does not in any form intend this as a slight against women. He seriously loves women! He is still trying to get a pix of guys “sagging”.
3. These pictures should not be misconstrued by any person or religious bodies as a weapon against indecent dressing. This blog author fully condones and seriously endorses indecent dressing especially since he gets no action otherwise. Sights like these actually do brighten his relatively dull days.
4. If the said pix makes you detest the blog author so and makes you want to take out your anger on him, then please kindly look out for him “sagging” and snap his picture. He would love the publicity!
PS: Try not to include his face. It would seriously ruin the Kodak moment…

Pixes: Panty Pleasures. Location: MDS Road and Onward Garage respectively, Osogbo.


  1. U've def captured some "Kodak moments" there.... Rear advertising... wonder wt the services being advertised are tho.....

  2. i beg. i'm with you. why would they 'show' us if they dont want us to look?

  3. LOL!!

    You seriously condone the dressing ehn? lol. Madness.. That gal with the orange shirt get bakassi ooo. Sebi, I fit buy small???

  4. @ DB: Thanks for the "compliment". The risks were worth it. Imagine the "Kodak" slaps I'd have been given if I was "caught" in the act. Services? Hmmm... How about "Spot The Cellulite"?

    @ Jinta: Trust me. I look and look and look!
    And look...

  5. lol, you've got raw talent dude! I mean look at the artistic landscapes..lmao!!!!

    First time here! Nice blog. Thanks for visiting mine.

  6. Lol at all the warnings. Still laughing on all the warnings o. Haba! Too much.

    These ones no sag at all. The first lady was bending hence and the second, I can only see her belt and nothing under

  7. Guy, you are crazy! (Like i didn't know!)

  8. LOL! This one na saggin? Gosh I wish I had snapped the one I saw today make u see wetin dem dey call 'accidental sagging' where we saw a not only a chick's putu labels but serious stretchmarks that looked like a delta region.

    please, any lady who knows she has those stripes, no show us abeg!

  9. panti

  10. @ Vera: Thank goodness I wasn't the only one who liked the bakassi.If only I had snapped her face I for ask her to sell some give you!

    @ Doug: "Raw" talent, huh? With the emphasis on raw, abi? What if I pray say may your children inherit my talents? Will you say "Amen"? (LOL)
    Thanks for dropping by too.

    @ Standtall: You're right about the bending but I seem to remember once upon a time not too long ago when we didn't see anything even when ladies bent. Or have clothes started shrinking?
    As for the second, the pix doesn't show it too well but she was wearing a pair of very visible white panties that were showing clearly through the orange shirt. Check around the guy's shoulder to see the VPLs.

    @ ESQ: Yeah, I'm crazy. Pray, what do you call someone who collaborates on a blog with a crazy man?

    @ Afronuts: Men! The stripes are the ones that give me nightmares. When I see them, I take off my glasses!

    @ Kinshar: You saw that, didn't you? How you doing? I'm dropping by yours now.

  11. I like d babe in dat 2nd picture.
    Nice figure.

    As for u naughty eyes, no go do make dem slap ur extra 2 eyes comot oh!

  12. who woulda thought Verastic lacked Bakassi???!!! Chei!!!
    Anyways, it's only one eye we can see...


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