Sunday, March 8, 2009

Is Technology Reading Our Minds?

My apologies... Despite the title, this is not a real post. I guess I'm just faffing around… whatever that means…

The Techno-seer?
You’ve read a good post. You want to comment. You click on the link and a window pops up that may or may not have Comment Moderation turned on according to the blog author’s settings. You leave your comments and then you may or may not need to fill in the Word Verification security thingy.

Ok, sorry oh! I forgot… you all know the drill.

Anyway, sometime in the recent past, I was gleefully reading an (ahem!) R-rated post on Woomie’s blog and I wanted to leave a slightly X-rated comment on it when I opened the Comment form and this is what I saw:

Ahn ahn! How come? I thought this word verification thing is usually supposed to generate a jumble of words so as to confirm if a human being is actually typing in the word? How could it have possibly known I wanted to type a “bad” thing? This thing can be spooky oh!

That’s how the other day I was on M.I.’s blog it wanted me to type in “lemoncaid” (a mixture of lemonade and Kool-aid? Hmm…)

So tell me, what are some of the most unusual words you’ve come across when browsing through blogs’ Comment Moderation or e-mail and site log-ins?